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Monday, January 17, 2011










    You know when you see a lookbook and it makes you feel a little giddy because the clothes are so perfect, well i feel like that with this one.
    I love a dress and fancy two piece just as much as the next girl, but seriously sometimes i feel myself getting more excited about basics and knits like these ones above, maybe its because of the time of year or maybe its just because they are really really pretty?

    Blame Mary-Kate for my love of the over-sized jumper and need to layer at least two items of clothing before leaving the house.
    Her My-Body-Is-Swamped-With-Clothes-Look is one of my favourites, for me she made the casual basic wearable again, she showed us (well me, at least) how to do it.  But the difference was she didn't pair her leggings with a dirty old pair of sneakers no, she wore her louboutins and that casual band tee, well she just chucked 5 diamond necklaces over it. 
    She made casual seem dressy and dressy seem well, out of date. 
    Looking like you had made an effort become irrelevant, instead looking like you had fell out of bed and into your heels, accidentally of course, nothing was planned obviously, became a mission.

    This is why i am more than a little in love with this new London based label called Silverflint, pictured above. It sells the type of I'm-Not-Trying-To-Look-This-Good-It-Just-Happened type clothes, that i really want more of in my wardrobe. 
    Its the updated version of Mary-Kate's boho look, as Silverflint calls it 'clothes for the urban nomad'
    These items won't date and they aren't seasonal either (well, technically i suppose they are, but when you live in Scotland its never really inappropriate, weather wise, to wear a chunky knit/cape/poncho/etc)
    I have so many ideas buzzing around my head for how i would pair these pieces.
    If you saw my post here, then you'll know all about my love for capes, so the one in the first imagine is just perfect to me, also i have a sort of phobia when it comes to the colour orange, I have no idea why, but as soon as i saw this i loved the colour, which might mean this is the perfect thing to help me get over my orange dislike, and a perfect excuse to purchase it?
    The pink spider web/loopy sweater would look amazing over sized and would be such a wardrobe staple, right?
    Although looking at the image it kinda looks like its made from mohair to me which i am allergic too, but i could down some Piriton to wear it i suppose, ah the things i will do for a pretty sweater!

    Silverflint is currently only avalible online on the Silverflint website or at their pop-up shop in London which is by appointment only.

    Oh and you can follow them on Twitter too here, they are so lovely and friendly and will answer any questions you have about the label!

    So, what do you think, are you a fan of these over sized knits and beautiful blanket shawls?
    Let me know.....Source URL: http://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2011/01/silverflint.html
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