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Friday, April 30, 2010

Presentinhos da Nyx

    Olá meninas!
    Bom, esse foi o mês do meu aniversário e a minha querida amiga Grace, que mora nos EUA me mandou uma caixinha cheia de mimos da NYX!!! Thank you sweetie!!!
    Na verdade eu tinha mandado um dinheiro pra ela pra comprar o próximo item do nosso sorteio, aí quando fui ver recebi uma caixinha recheada de presentes!!

    Eu tinha comentado com ela que eu estava precisando de gloss, e nossa, olha quantos eu recebi! hahaha Agora tenho gloss até a próxima vida!
    Aqui no Brasil os produtos da NYX são caríssimos, um gloss desses deve custar em torno de 40 reais, e nos EUA custa U$ 2,50 isso mesmo meninas, dois dólares e cinquenta centavos (fora o frete né?)
    Aquele porquinho fofo é uma case pra lentes de contato! Um amor!
    Bom, agora vou mosrar melhor os produtinhos pra vocês!

    NYX Powder Blush - Cafe

    Eu achei esse blush super lindo, e eu não tinha nenhuma cor parecida, achei a textura dele muito fininha, o que pode ser um problema porque "pesa" a mão.

    NYX Concealer Wand - Porcelain

    Incrivelmente a cor mais clara de corretivo ficou escura em mim, hahaha.
    Ele é bem claro, mas tem um tom rosado, e eu sou pálida, então ficou meio estranho, mas é só colocar um iluminador por cima que fica ok, ele esconde as olheiras super bem.

    NYX Round Lipgloss e NYX Brush on Gloss

    Eis que são esses os gloss que vieram, vários tons de rosa que eu amei!
    Não dá pra saber quanto à duração porque eu só experimentei, mas a Lili disse que eles duram pouco, bom, aí é testar pra saber!
    O cheiro deles é meio estranho, lembra desinfetante, mas é com certeza melhor que o cheiro das coisas da Eyeko! A textura é perfeita, nem muito grosso nem muito fino.
    Agora vejamos as cores.

    True Red

    Bom, olhando a embalagem eu pensei que fosse um vermelhão cabaré, mas na boca ele fica um vermelho quase rosa, é bonito, mas eu acho que vou usar ele por cima de outro batom vermelho pra dar um efeito glossy que está em alta.

    Baby Pink

    Ele é lindo! Só achei meio esquisito por ser metálico, mas acho que é a minha falta de costume.

    Wild Orchid

    Tem roxo mais lindo que esse? Eu sou fã de lábios roxos, até veio um batom lindíssimo nessa caixinha de presentes, o gloss é bom porque ele é MUITO pigmentado, então dá pra usar ele sem o batom ou com o batom por baixo, fica a seu critério.


    Pra ser sincera eu não gostei de nada nesse gloss, o cheiro é estranho, a cobertura não é legal, e a cor não é do meu agrado, acho que vou dar ele pra uma amiga minha que é morena, deve ficar um arraso nela!

    Cafe latte

    Olhando pelo vidrinho ele parece mais nude, mas nem é muito, a foto não ficou legal, ele é um bege bem clarinho que é ótimo pra usar com o olho bem marcado.

    Real Nude

    Amei, bem discreto, ótimo pro dia-a-dia.


    Meu preferido! A cor é um melancia muito bonito, nunca vi igual em natura/avon/boticário, eu estava precisando de um desses!!

    NYX Round Lipsticks

    Os batons da NYX são super exóticos, você pode encontrar desde cores bem básicas como um rosinha, até batons preto, roxos, enfim, eles tem uma variedade de batons para cada estilo!
    O que dizer? Eles são cremosos até demais, você encosta na boca e o batom escorrega sozinho, isso pode ser ruim pra sair pra festas, onde você pode suar e derreter tudo, é bom usar um pó ou um primer por baixo.

    Orange Soda

    Eu tinha visto no Vanity Queens uma review sobre esse batom, achei legal o efeito, mas em mim ele ficou mais alaranjado, continua lindo, mas eu ainda estou atrás do nude perfeito, acho que vou comprar o Myth da MAC mesmo, hahaha


    O PRIMO POBRE DO SNOB! Na blogsfera ele é muito famoso por ser o "test drive" das meninas que querem comprar o Snob e não querem gastar 30, 60, 120 reais em um batom que não fica legal em todo mundo, eu amei ele, super combinou com o meu tom de pele, agora estou pronta pra garantir o meu Snob, heheh.


    Eu estava querendo muitíssimo um batom roxo, ia comprar um da Yes cosméticos, mas nunca achei uma loja por aqui. Achei esse bem digno, embora eu quisesse um matte e sem brilhos, mas já dá pra saciar a minha vontade.

    E aí meninas o que acharam das coisinhas? Ah, junto com eles veio o prêmio do nosso próximo sorteio, aguardem que logo logo vamos revelar ele pra vocês!


    Source URL: http://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2010/04/
    Visit Dress fashion girls for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tokyo Street Style

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hannah Holman para Vogue Japão [Maio - 2010]

    Eu raramente posto fotos da Vogue Japão porque e nunca gosto dos editoriais.
    Eles nunca usam modelos japonesas, sequer asiáticas, e eu acho as roupas de um mal gosto incrível.
    Não achem que eu estou sendo dura demais, olhem só esse editorial com a modelo Hannah Holman (nunca ouvi falar)

    O nome do editorial se chama "the new look", mas alguém vê algo de novo nisso?
    Tentativa de fazer um look adulto e infantil ao mesmo tempo - fail!
    Meninas NÃO ACEITEM essa ditadura das meias 3/4 ok? Estou vendo essa merda em revistas, novelas, um monte de lugares; entendam, isso é FEIO, muito FEIO!
    Que cara de paisagem é essa dessa modelo? Só me lembrei da Zooey Deschanel, que de 300 fotos dela, 299 são idênticas, só muda a roupa!

    Enfim, não gostei da câmera tremida também, e parece que tá na moda isso, um amigo meu já viu essa mesma coisa em outra Vogue.

    Por isso eu amo a Vogue China e Korea ♥

    Source URL: http://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2010/04/
    Visit Dress fashion girls for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

Dicas de sites

    Olá meninas, como vão?

    A gente fala sempre aqui que são vocês que mandam nesse blog, e que a sua opnião é ouro pra nós não é?
    Então, a nossa leitora Juliana pediu algumas dicas de blogs de entretenimento asiático, então eu vou fazer o seguinte, toda a semana eu vou postar umas dicas de sites bacanas sobre isso combinado?

    As dicas de hoje são para o entretenimento Japonês (infelizmente a esmagadora maioria é em inglês), para acessar o site basta clicar nos respectivos nomes em azul!


    Esse site além de falar sobre as fofocas mais quentes do mundo das celebridades também traz resumos de doramas (seriados japoneses) e de outras séries que são sucesso por lá, é ótimo para dar uma lida e quem sabe baixar alguns episódios.

    Japan Zone

    Além de ter uma parte só de fofocas, o Japan Zone também tem sessões educativas, que falam sobre a cultura japonesa, arte, música, filmes e outras coisas, é um ótimo "guia para iniciantes".

    Amigas, eu ando meio sumida porque tenho prova semana que vem, então já viu né? Tem que ralar! hihih
    Mas eu prometo que a partir da próxima quarta o blog vai estar recheado de novidades, aguardem!


    Source URL: http://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2010/04/
    Visit Dress fashion girls for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

Interview with Sophie Ellis-Bextor

    So most of you will know by now that i have been doing a series of interviews with people connected in some form to the fashion industry.
    For this interview i chose Sophie Ellis-Bextor. She is a British singer that makes the most fabulous danceable pop music. Not only known for her music she is recognised as a British style star. She works her own brand of quirky cool, never one to be afraid of standing out from the pack if anything she relishes in it and works it to her advantage. I hope that by reading this interview you find out more about a women who is not only a wonderful mother but a career women too and that you get inspired by her fearlessness and honesty. And remember like Sophie says as long as you are staying true to what you do and what you believe in then it's ok to be a 'Christmas Tree' sometimes because everyones time to shine comes around sooner or later!
    Look out for a post full of Sophie's most coveted outfits soon too!
    If you want to read my past interviews then click here-

    I want to say a massive thanks to Sophie too for agreeing to be interviewed. Her awesome new single 'Bittersweet' is available to download on Sunday 2nd May and if you go to the bottom of this post you can check out the video for it!
    As always let me know what you think of the interview!
    Sophie Ellis-Bextor Interview
    Pictured above Sophie Ellis-bextor

    1. So, you’re back with your new single Bittersweet. I love the more electro sound of this song but you’ve still kept that pop vibe too, what were your influences when you were making this record?

    I guess the biggest influence was the track itself, because that’s what we started with, it started off as an instrumental. I don’t know how melodies come about really, you just try a few noodles and then something sticks. The thing I really liked about the chorus melody is that to me it almost sounds like it could be from a musical. It sounds like it could be in the West End, but maybe that’s just my slightly strange tangent, I don’t know.

    2. I always think you have the best titles for your album like ‘Shoot From The Hip’ and Trip The Light Fantastic’ and your new album is called ‘Straight To The Heart’ which is another great title how did you come up with this one, because I saw that you had recently changed it from ‘Make A Scene’?

    In a lot of ways nobody should have really known about Make A Scene as that was just a working title, as Scene was one of the first songs written for the record. Straight To The Heart is actually a lyric from another song called Cut Straight To The Heart and I thought it was a really good title for a pop record because that’s what pop music does I think, it’s very emotional and instinctive. I think out of all my titles though my favourite is still Trip The Light Fantastic, I just like the way it feels to say that.

    3. As well as being known for music you are also recognised for your style. You have a really strong look, you always wear such beautiful interesting pieces that you might not expect to work together but they really do on you because you also have a really chic feel to your style I think, which keeps your outfits classic looking. Have you always been interested in fashion?

    Firstly, thank you for the compliment. I’ve always loved dressing up. Sometimes I think I have got it really wrong, but I think it doesn’t matter really, I try not to play it too safe, but I suppose part of the fun side of working in pop music is that you can really dress up, so I do.

    4. Do you think it is important to have a strong style aesthetic when breaking into the music industry especially nowadays with the likes of Lady GaGa at the forefront of the fashion and music crossover?

    I think undeniable that the visual and the audio side are connected. So many people are influenced by the front cover, the video, the way you look when you are performing, so although you can get away with not putting that much work into the aesthetic side, you’re probably doing yourself a disservice really. That little world you create helps to inform how you think your music should be heard. I certainly can watch a video and go from thinking ‘I’m not sure about that song’ to ‘actually I really love it’ it can sometimes really unlock it for me so I think it’s in your best interests to make it cohesive.

    5. Would you ever consider designing your own fashion line?

    I get asked this question a lot which is really lovely, unfortunately the people who haven’t asked me are the ones who actually would be able to provide that service. So yeah, I’d be up for it but I’m not talking to anyone about it. What girl wouldn’t want to do it? So if there are any companies out there want me…

    6. Where do you like to shop are you more designer or high street?

    I’m more high street than designer, but my favourite is actually second hand and vintage shops and markets because I’m addicted to that one-off thing, I just love finding something and thinking ‘ooh no-one else is going to have this’ and all the colours and the old fabric and the story behind the clothes.

    7. You have also done some modelling in the past too for Rimmel and Accessorize, what was that experience like for you and would you consider doing more modelling?

    I don’t really see it as modelling, as a pop singer you get your picture taken quite a lot anyway. For the Rimmel stuff it was really good fun because you get to wear make-up and do all the stuff you normally do, and I think it’s a nice brand to be associated with. I don’t see myself as a model at all but it’s very flattering to be asked.

    8. In Between making great albums you have also got married and had two children. How did you find the difference between your career from before you had children to now, is it a difficult industry to be in when you are also trying to juggle family life as well or is it quite accommodating?

    I think it’s quite accommodating actually. A lot of people I work with have got children. I think for my kids there are a lot worse childhoods than one that is surrounded by music. For them its second nature that there are loads of instruments lying round and Richard and I are always playing our new songs and singing around the place. I think the biggest difference between before them and after them is that I am much happier in myself and I think I have become strangely more fearless because you lose some of your inhibitions I suppose and I’m not trying to prove anything to anyone anymore. I’m just enjoying it – there is no point playing it super safe.

    9. Do you notice a lot of changes about the music industry from when you started out till now, what with all the different ways people have broke through whether it be MySpace ,YouTube or X Factor rather than the mainstream route, there seems to be a lot more variety out there now?

    Yeah I think that’s true but at the same time I think things have got a lot more diluted. It feels like there isn’t a sense of occasion around stuff any more. It used to be that there would be an occasion around each single release or performing Top Of The Pops, but that has dissipated now amongst all these different mediums so I miss that a little bit, that heyday of gearing up for all these milestone moments, at the same time I think the whole digital age is exciting and gives the power back to the people really for everything, which has influenced fashion and music a lot.

    10. I’ve always thought you seemed really fearless in your music choices like your new album having a different electro dance sound and even when you first started out with ‘murder on the dancefloor’ which to me is just such a classic song it never dates, but I remember at the time it was really different to what everyone else was doing and people were really impressed by your music, have you, with every album always wanted to kind of re invent your sound?

    I think my most fearless moment (although it was quite unwitting really) was when I brought out my third album and which was very poppy and had bits of synth on it at the time the charts was full of guitars, I didn’t realise that I was in my own bubble thinking ‘I just like making pop music’ but now I’m like ‘blimey, that was actually quite bold’. But I think I’m a creature of habit, I’m like a Christmas tree, for 10 months of the year it doesn’t really make that much sense but then for two months it’s like ‘that’s exactly what we need right now’. I just wait my time until it comes around again.

    11. Perez Hilton seems to be a really big fan of your music and has posted about you on his blog before. That must be great having support from such an influential figure. Have you any plans to go over and release your music in America?

    Perez has been great and that’s cool. There have been little murmurings of going over to America because the Freemasons spend quite a lot of time DJing in clubs over there. So I might do a little tour of Gay clubs in America. There’s also been talk about going over to New York for Gay Pride and that would be pretty cool, but that’s about as far as it’s got. I’ll go wherever people want me, that’s always been my rule.

    12. And finally, where would you like to see yourself in 10 years time, personally and professionally?

    I’ve got not idea. Still doing what I love would be great. I’m sure music will still be a big part of my life. But I really don’t know – I can’t even really remember 10 years back and I can’t really imagine 10 years forward.

    At This Moment In Time......

    1. Favourite Song/Album-

    My favourite album at the moment is the ‘Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix’ album.

    2. Favourite Quote-

    Coco Chanel said that you should take off the last accessory that you put on and I always find that to be true.

    3. Favourite TV Show-

    Mad Men

    4. Best Piece of Advice-

    Trust your instincts (it’s what my mum says – she’s right!)

    5. Favourite blog/website-

    It’s gotta be this one!

    Source URL: http://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2010/04/
    Visit Dress fashion girls for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The re-invention of Whistles

    I don't know about you but until recently if you had said to me Whistles it conjured up a brand that the 'elder lady' would shop in. I thought cardigan two pieces and drab colours, i definitely would not have believed you if you had said that soon i would be wanting the whole of their new collection!
    I actually can not get over the transformation that Whistles has underwent
    It is like a completely different shop
    And the reason for this dramatic change?
    The ex brand director of Topshop Jane Shepherdson has Joined Whistles and brought along nearly all her Topshop team with her!
    So basically Whistles has become this hybrid of high end quality mixed with the the high street of topshop designs
    Jane has just transformed the whole brand
    She has changed the whole design aesthetic and given it this luxe feel
    I am in love with every piece from this collection
    I think actually rather than it being reminiscent of Topshop i think this collection has got such a strong feel of Monki about it, the Swedish high street shop with the most covetable clothes that you can't seem to get anywhere in the UK.
    I think though if i have to pick, the last outfit and the second outfit is my favourite as they are just perfect for summer time
    If like me you wouldn't normally go near Whistles then i would urge you to give the website a look and you may be pleasantly surprised!
    Check it out here and let me know if you are in love with this collection as much as i am?

    Source URL: http://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2010/04/
    Visit Dress fashion girls for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

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