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Friday, June 19, 2009

The battle

    I don't know what it's like where you live,
    But in the UK when a big new TV show is about to start,
    It's everywhere
    From the glossy adverts to numerous interviews on TV from the beautiful new cast
    You just can never escape the hype,
    Don't get me wrong i love it
    And i will always be the first to tune in to see if its lived up to its publicity
    But what gets me is that every magazine always hails it "The Most Stylish Show EVER"
    With a massive spread that tells you that not only will it change the way the world dresses
    but the actors/actresses will instantly become fashion icons
    And yeah, this has happened but only on a few occasions
    It's like no TV show can survive any more with good acting and awesome story lines
    It has to have some major impact on the way we live or most commonly the way we dress
    So this got me thinking about some recent TV shows
    and whether they have lived up to the hype and changed the fashion world as we know it
    I have picked the most notable ones in my opinion

    I thought start with the obvious
    In my opinion this show more than any other in recent years has influenced the fashion industry the most
    The fact that you can not walk through a town without seeing at least 5 girls wearing a massive bow headband
    And at least a few guys in a pair of chinos and dress shoes
    Is testament to the shows impact
    I think that even looking at the way some designers have taken inspiration from all the characters style shows just how good the wardrobe is on the show
    Week after week i think the outfits are continuously slick and chic but with this added youthful vibe that makes it so appealing
    The show has made formal classic clothing acceptable as its shows
    That even a school uniform can look cool if worn with bright red tights and matching headband
    I think that more than anything its the way in which the clothes are styled more than the clothes themselves that has changed the way most of us dress
    I don't know maybe I'm just biased because i love the show so much!
    OK, I thought i would throw this one in, even though i have mixed feelings about it
    Although I enjoy watching the show alot and i actually think that as the series has progressed its got so much better (Even though in my opinion Annie is possibly one of the most annoying characters ever to grace a TV screen)
    From a fashion point of view I think it's a bit of a let down
    Don't get me wrong, Some of the clothes are beautiful but I just feel like it's nothing new
    I would say Naomi and Ryan are really the only to characters i can think of that have notable style in the show
    At least there characters wardrobe have a little bit of a twist
    I would love to know if this show has had more of an impact on fashion in America than it has done here in the UK because when I read American magazines they often have pictures and articles about the show, whereas it's kinda more under the radar here.
    THE OC
    I still remember going into school the day after the first episode of the o.c was shown over here
    And everyone had found there new favourite TV show
    With there new favourite crushes in it (Seriously I'm still a bit in love with Seth)
    I think the impact the show had in general was big
    But mostly because of the rich lifestyle the characters had in it
    And after that had been digested then people started to notice
    The fashion in it
    I think without a doubt Marissa and co. had an effect on the way we dressed
    Everything was very perfect looking but with a laid back beach vibe too!
    I think in a way it was Seth and his kinda preppy, kinda geeky clothes that affected the most
    It seemed that at one point every guy in the country's uniform had to be a polo shirt , slim fitting jeans and converse.
    I just will always love the OC and its fashion
    And in a way it did give us the fashion star we were promised
    With Rachel bilson and her perfect blend of style
    And in some peoples eyes Micha barton is as stylish now as she was when she was playing Marissa.
    So what do you think have I picked the most stylish TV shows?
    I want to know what ones you all think have made the biggest impact and are the most stylish and why
    And then if I get enough suggestions I can do a follow up post with all your shows in it
    Oh and I finally got my computer fixed hence the long post, Yeah!

    Source URL: http://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2009/06/battle.html
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