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Friday, September 30, 2011

Start Sewing For Fall/Winter With These Great Patterns Plus A 25% Sale!

    It's Fall!! Now it's time to think warm clothes and Whimsy Couture has just the patterns for that! Take a look:

    Ladies Swing Jacket
    Girls Reversible Jacket:

    Kids Hooded Scarf:
    Ladies Hooded Scarf:
    A-Line Tunic (reversible and great for layering):
    A-Line Tunic shown here in top length:
    Many more Fall/Winter adaptable sewing patterns in my shop!

    Now take advantage of a 25% savings on all listed sewing ebooks! Sale ends Oct.1.

    Click HERE to go shopping!Source URL: https://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2011/09/
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Outfit post: Feels like spring



    Shoes and belt: Zara; Socks: Primark; Shorts: Internacionale; T-shirt: H&M; Cardigan: Topshop; Bag: LV Speedy 40  

    Good morning!

    Here's what I wore yesterday when my friend and I went exploring the city. My outfit is very british indeed, especially the socks with oxfords. 
    The weather was beautiful for the past few days and it really feels like spring, even though the winter hasn't even begun. I can't even belive it myself that I'm walking around bare legged and October starts in a day. Weird... but hey I'm not complaining at all!
    I love that on a sunny days like this the city becomes more lively - everybody is hanging around, drinking coffee by the canals and having lunch in the parks... it's sunny again today, another great day awaits! 

    Wish you all a great Friday!

    Source URL: https://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2011/09/
    Visit Dress fashion girls for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Wear My Heart On My Sleeve Like Its a Big Deal

    Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
    Wearing- Shirt-Random old one my mama gave me, Tee- Forever 21, Jeans-ASOS, Shoes-Peacocks, Cape-ASOS, Bangle- U.O, Sparkly bangle- Italian market stall, Hat-TK MAXX

    - For about a week straight every weather  man on the TV has been going on and on and on about this amazing heatwave that is going to hit us this week, what they must have forgot to mention was that it was going to hit everywhere except where I live. It has basically been rain storms all week and today was slightly brighter but it felt like it was December as it got so dark and dull so early, And is it just me or is everyone  you know started planning Christmas already, its like come on people don't wish away the dregs of summer already!!!

    -Been listening to the Ed Sheeran album pretty intensely this week, got to say i thought i would instantly like it more than i did but i love it now after listening to it for a while, its definitely a grower.  His voice is just so soulful, right? 

    -Watched Pan Am, have any of you seen it yet, what did you think?  I am obsessed with it already, The style/costumes blew my mind I'm such a sucker for that era anyway, but i just found it to be really authentically done.  And more importantly can you believe Donna from neighbours is in it? How crazy, although i did think she was one of the best in it, Harold would be proud!  Oh and new episode of The New Girl tonight for me too.  Yah for Internet TV or i would never be able to see any of these amaze shows.  I actually don't know how peeps even deal without watching Modern Family!

    -I'm reading Pride and Prejudice just now, to be honest its only because its free on the Kindle and i feel like i just spend my life's money on that thing, if it accepted Paypal then i really would be sunk!  I have always wanted to read it as i get really curious about these big classics people go on about and i thought it was about time i found out who Mr Darcy is.... Are any of you fans of the book?

    -My cards are going well, Thank You again to everyone who has got in touch with me about them to say lovely things I really appreciate that and all your comments too! Step 2 in Greeting Card world domination is to get them into some boutiques/shops.  If any of you lovely people all over the world know of any places that sells cards/stationary please do let me know as i would love to get in touch with them, I wanna go international Baby! Ha! You can still look/buy my cards .HERE

    - I have been featured on the Most Wanted website with my review of my New Look Loafers, if you fancy it, you could go have a peek HERESource URL: https://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2011/09/
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Whimsy Finds - A Tutorial To Make Fabric Wall Decoration

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tsubasa's goodbye to Popsister

    Sim gals, a modelo mais inflluente do mundo gyaru está dando adeus à popsister. A modelo trabalhou nela desde a primeira edição (em 2009 se não me engano) e teve a sua última participação na edição de outubro de 2011. Tsubasa escreveu uma carta para os seus fãs anunciando a sua saída.

    A carta diz basicamente que ela está buscando novos horizontes e tentar se aventurar em novos projetos. O que não significa que ela vá parar de aparecer na revista, vai deixar apenas de ser uma das modelos oficiais.
    Provavelmente ela dedicará mais do seu tempo para as suas duas marcas de cosméticos "Candy Doll" e "dolly Wink" e claro, à sua carreira de cantora que (apesar de meia-boca) está fazendo o maior sucesso e dando o que falar no Japão e no mundo.

    Vocês podem ver a seguir os últimos shoots que ela fez para a popsister como modelo da revista.

    Eu acho que apesar de overrated é impossível negar a gigantesca influência que a Tsubasa tem no mundo fashion, e eu nem estou falando só de gyaru, ela movimenta uma industria milionária de roupas, cosméticos, comerciais, enfim, ela é sem sombra de dúvidas a gyaru mais influente de todos os tempos e continuar modelando para a popsister não iria acrescentar nada a esse sucesso além de mais trabalho! Não duvido nada que em menos de um ano ela lance a sua própria gyaru-magazine. Enfim, apesar de não ser das minhas modelos favoritas devo admitir o sucesso que ela tem e torcer pra que ele se torne cada vez maior (só espero que ela pare de cantar! HAHAH).
    E vamos esperar que antes do final do ano vamos ver mais modelos de cílios adicionados na coleção da Dolly Wink! Espero que ela lance mais produtos até lá =D

    Source URL: https://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2011/09/
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Tendência de inverno - Verde

    Mais uma tendência de cor pro inverno...verde!
    Nas revistas o tom aparece bem fechado, mas nada impede de usarmos a cor mais aberta no verão, um bom substituto é o verde menta ou pistache, fica liiindo em outfits retro.

    Tanto pra looks mais arrumadinhos quanto pros mais casuais, a cor funciona super bem. Deu pra perceber que a combinação sucesso é com a estampa de bolinhas??
    Aliás, poás e xadrez são as grandes apostas da estação, em breve falaremos mais sobre estampas :)

    Fiquem com mais inspirações...

    Imagens: Vivi, PopSister e Popteen

    Source URL: https://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2011/09/
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GOSH Bronzer Review

    Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket So this is the last GOSH product review of the goodies that they were kind enough to send me to try out.
    I have to be honest when I saw this bronzer with the uber glitter in it, I was sure it was going to look very 1998 when I put it on, if you know what I mean?

    I took some pictures before I used it to show you how glittery it was. 
    I am a complete glitter fiend, I love me some glitter but just not on my face.  I love my face to look shimmery and glowy so when I saw this I was sure it would just be too much for me.

    But once I used it I was really surprised, thankfully I had swirled it around and put it on to my hand first to see the true colour so my hand got the mega glitter rather than my face because once you have circled your brush around the compact a couple of times it seems to remove the top layer which is just basically glitter.
    So thankfully underneath it’s a really lovely shade of bronzer with shimmer rather than sparkle.
    So what I have gathered is maybe the glitter that sits on the top is just for visual reasons to make you notice the product at first as it doesn’t seem to be in the actual bronzer itself, which for me is a major plus, but if you buy it for the glitter then I imagine that must be a major downside.

    As you can see from the picture above the colour is definitely more bronze than orange which is always a relief when you buy a bronzer you haven’t used before.  I genuinely couldn’t believe how pretty the shimmer was it was really lovely and worked so well with the colour. I think you could definitely wear this bronzer without a separate highlighter too as it really does give a great effect which is totally buildable.

    I am super pale but I didn't feel like this was too dark for me, so I think it could work on a few different skin tones, obviously if your darker you would want to wear more of the product than I have to make the colour darker. 

    After my initial glitter panic with this product I am really happy with it I think it will be a great alternative to wear when I don’t want to wear lots of different products. I can just put this on as it’s a bit of a two in one with the added bonus of the highlighter in it!

    You can find out more about GOSH products and buy this HERE 

    P.S- I just added in the picture of my new nail polish colour too, its a little bit orange with a little bit of peach too!Source URL: https://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2011/09/
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Let's Sew Craft Linky For You To Show Off Your Creations! For Sale Or For Fun!

    Welcome to another craft linky!!

    Let's Sew is for anyone who wants to show off their creations no matter if it's for sale or for fun!

    Link up as many as you like and vote for your favorites!

    Please put this button onto your blog in order to participate!:)

    Whimsy Couture

    Have fun!:)

    Source URL: https://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2011/09/
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New in: orange clutch


    Here's a clutch that I bought yesterday and is one of my favourite things I've bought so far. I could take a picture of every sweater/dress/pants that I bought but I'd rather show them to you when I'll be wearing them. 

    Have a great day everyone!

    Source URL: https://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2011/09/
    Visit Dress fashion girls for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shhh There's a Zebra Behind You

    Excuse the whole 'AS SEEN ON TV' picture, it was the only one the website had.
    I am really not a fan of the 'animals on jumpers thing' i never have been, I just don't really get it.
    Maybe its because i am totally not an animal lover, I've never had pets bar when i was little and had some goldfish and an ill-fated experience with a hamster.

    But for some reason when i saw this jumper i loved it.
    I think its the colour that caught my eye and the random-ness of the Zebra just sitting there at the side of the it.

    Its from H by Henry Holland for Debenhams.
    I am actually really impressed by some of his pieces for Debenhams, even though i never enter that store as i always just find everything in it so dull, i honestly can't explain it but you know when you just take a dislike for a store and you don't really know why, its just the vibe of it or something?
    Anyway, that's why I've never really checked out his stuff, but after having a browse online just there i really like some pieces but the styling of them is just so uninspired i feel, actually that's one of my biggest bug-bears with Debenhams is that they genuinely have some amazing designers with lines but the way they present the lines its like they are always aiming for women in there mid-40s or something, just weird!

    Ok, so Debenhams moan over, I kinda want this sweater.
    What do you guys think?
    Do you like and are you a fan of Debenhams?

    Source URL: https://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2011/09/
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Monday, September 26, 2011

Trend alert: Rubber soled shoes

    Como a gente sempre fala aqui, a moda mainstream influencia muito a moda ocidental principalmente gyaru, dar uma olhadinha nas passarelas pode ser uma boa prévia do que vai ser tendência. Ultimamente nos editoriais e passarelas podemos ver os chamados Rubber-soled shoes, que eu e a Luana apelidamos de "sapato da sola de borracha pá-voroso"

    xiao Wen e Liu Wen para Tory Burch

    Lina Zhang para Wayne

    Hyoni Kang - Vogue China

    Sempre via esses sapatos em revistas gyaru mas em pouquíssimas quantidades, mas nesse mês teve um BOOM desses sapatos na Popsister e Vivi e claro, não poderíamos deixar de comentar aqui!

    É difícil achar uma definição exata para esses sapatos, por terem vários modelos diferentes, alguns seguem um modelo como se fossem um coturno sem o cano, outros parecem mocassins, e outros, bem, são essas coisas horrorosas de salto plataforma.

    Esses sapatos não são novidade na moda japonesa, são há muito tempo usados por pessoas de outros estilos como decora, fairy kei, visual kei. Separei algumas fotos da Kera de agosto para vocês verem como os outros estilos usam esses sapatos

    E como as gyaru usam:

    Acho muito lindinhos esses modelos como o que a Hyoni Kang usa no editorial da Vogue China, acho que eles são ótimos para criar um estilo mais tomboy, mas esse com o salto plataforma é um HORROR! Esse negócio só dá pra ser usado pelos seguidores da Kera mesmo, porque em gyaru não rolou! Bem, pelo menos é essa a minha opnião!
    Mais algumas fotos para quem quiser se inspirar:

    Bônus: Além desses sapatos também estão em alta (já há algum tempo) all stars com esse mesmo salto plataforma, tá aí mais um pra lista dos tênis que as gals usam!

    Fotos: Sstardesire

    Source URL: https://dressfashiongirls.blogspot.com/2011/09/
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